Max B

I´m a Swede that most of all like to make music with friends, or by myself, if that is the only option available. I also like to go sailing with my little sailingboat. Having my own blog is a new experience to me.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jag tycker det är kul att skapa musik men får sällan tid till det.
05.30 gick upp. Var på arbetet från kl 08 till 17.
18.15 hyr släp på OK, på väg hem.
20.00 lastar 300 kg halm på en gård söder om stan.
20.30 lastar av halmbalarna hemma.
21.00 hämtar dotter från pendeltågsstation
21.15 hämtar på annan plats stor vinkel-soffa i c:a åtta sektioner med släpet
21.30 levererar soffan hos en annan familj
21.57 lämnar släpet 42 minuter för sent men tre minuter innan OK stänger.
Hinner inte handla livsmedel ikväll. Får ta det imorgon.
22.30 hemma och kollar om det hänt något på internet.
Hinner inte äta... ska lägga mig eftersom jag ska upp 05.30 imorgon.

Anhöriga säger att jag bara tänker på mig själv och alla uppoffringar jag anser att jag gör...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

One more sunny day with the boat

I´ve had another nice day all by myself in the boat.
It is relaxing to stop somewhere drop the anchor, sit and read something for a while and then take a swim. I really enjoy life!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I´ve had a wonderful summerholiday i northern Finland in July. Spent two weeks in a fishermans cabin near the seashore. The weather was nice but cold some days.
After that I closed my summervacation with a sailingtour with my brother.
Now I´m back to work and I feel allright working after such a lovely summer.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Yesterday evening I had the opportunity to make some music in my semi-studio.
When I make music nowadays I do not have several hours to spend. Like yesterday, I use to have one, or maybe two hours left. As you can see that does not make it easy to start a big project or keep a big project up, once you start one. I therefore use my studio just for sheer joy. That means that all I do is making small music sketches with fragments of text (that later on can be lyrics to something nice).

Monday, July 10, 2006

We had a very nice weekend swimming and bathing from the boat. Preparing food when you are out on the sea is always a joyful act of life. Today I´m back at work and outside it´s raining. That´s allright with me.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I went sailing today but I did not go alone as I earlier thought I would. My two kids followed me and we sure had a good time. Nice weather and not to much sun (it´s really hot this time of year). We had a nice swim several times, could hardly stop swimming. After some time we went home and got home at late night. Tomorrow the whole family will go sailing. I love this life.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Now it´s time to leave work. Tomorrow I´ll go sailing with my little sailboat.
If you are curious I have some information about "Elisa" at her own webpage:
I think I´ll rather go sailing alone tomorrow. I would like to listen to some nice music that I prefer, have a swim and make a tasty meal.
On sunday I go sailing with the family. That will be nice as well!
Enjoy weekend while it lasts!